Providers Of Bank Instruments (BG/SBLC)


BECTIC FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED are providers of bank instruments (BG, SBLC). We do international project funding, Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Letter of Credit (LC/DLC) Bank Guarantee (BG), Performance Guarantee Bond, Tender Bond Guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee etc, and also genuine providers of business loans. Our bank instruments are issued from prime banks such as HSBC Hong Kong, Barclays Bank London, Standard Chattered Bank or any AAA rated bank of your choice.

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What Is Bank Instrument & Its Uses?

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The word instrument in the world of money typically refers to a banking instrument. • It may be a Certificate of Deposit or various letters of credit including standby letters of credit and directors' letters of credit. • When a bank instrument is monetized, it is converted to legal tender that can basically be used just like cash. • This could be done for many reasons, but usually it is done when the owner needs cash quickly. Often it is discounted in the monetization process.

Financial instruments can be real or virtual documents representing a legal agreement involving any kind of monetary value. Equity-based financial instruments represent ownership of an asset. Debt-based financial instruments represent a loan made by an investor to the owner of the asset.

Uses Of Bank Instruments.

All You Need To Know About Bank Instruments – Banking Instruments  Professionals

Many companies and individuals hold bank instruments or financial instruments. • If those entities need immediate cash, there are investors or companies that are in the business of monetizing instruments issued by banks. Here is a summery list of projects that a Bank Instrument could be used for • Allows the Client to meet a Collateral First requirement.

Used to qualify a Client in order to tender a formal BID • Used to enhance or trigger a Commodity Trading Credit Line using DLC purchases. • Used as a secondary security to mitigate the Transactional Risk to Lending institution • Establish a credit line for Diamond Trading • Used to qualify to capture an allocation of product in order to be able to be a distributor of various commodity products.

List of projects that a Bank Instrument could be used for.

Bank Instruments allows the Client to meet a Collateral First requirement
Bank Instruments are used to qualify a Client in order to tender a formal BID
Bank Instruments are used to enhance or trigger a Commodity Trading Credit Line using DLC purchases.
Bank Instruments are Used as a secondary security to mitigate the Transactional Risk to Lending institution
The are used to establish a credit line for gold/Diamond Trading etc.
Bank Instruments are used to qualify to capture an allocation of product in order to be able to be a distributor of various commodity products

Types Of Bank Instruments (BG/SBLC) We Issue
BG/SBLC is a type of collateral that can be used in managing various kinds of risk. Both BG and SBLC are both bank financial instruments that is used for different purposes by different customers in many different locations around the world. Some customers use bg/sblc for credit enhance purposes, while some customers use bg/sblc to get loan from their banks. Also, a bg/sblc can be used by importers and exporters in their foreign trade finance transactions.

BG/SBLCs are classified by the kind of risk they cover. We can issue any type of BG/SBLC as below:

  1. Payment Guarantee: A payment guarantee is used to guarantee the seller that the buyer will fulfill its payment obligations as stated in the contract.
  2. Tender Guarantee: A tender guarantee (bid bond) is used for participation in international tenders, such a guarantee covers the organizers’ expenses in case when a participant revokes its bid or does not accept the offer.
  3. Performance Guarantee: A performance guarantee is used to strengthen the contractual relationship between a buyer and a seller. It guarantees compensation of the agreed-upon amount in case the delivery terms or other contractual obligations of the seller are not fulfilled as agreed upon in the contract.
  4. Advance Payment Guarantee: An advance payment guarantee is used when the contract provides for advance payment to be made to the seller, and it guarantees that the advance payment will be returned to the buyer if the seller does not fulfill its obligations on delivery of goods or services.

Questions about bank instruments? Contact Bectic Finance Company Limited today and we’ll be in touch with you.

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Bank Guarantee (BG) / Standby Letter Of Credit (SBLC)​.
A Bank Guarantee (BG) / Standby Letter Of Credit (SBLC) is an unconditional undertaking given by the bank on behalf of our client that their liabilities will be met in the event that they fail to fulfill their contractual obligations.

Our BG/SBLC Description

Format: URDG 758 / ISP98

Term: Fresh Cut

Validity: One (1) Year And One (1)

Face Value: 1M – 10B

Currency: USD/EUR

Issuing Banks: Top Rated Banks

Hard Proof of Funds & Verification of Deposit (VOD)
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Hard Proof of Funds & Verification of Deposit (VOD)
Bank Statement Proof of Funds

Sometimes an offer with a standard Proof of Funds Letter is not accepted -- the seller wants stronger proof that you do indeed have the funds available for this purchase. Typically the seller will want a current Bank Statement showing that there is cash available in an account that will be made available to you to close on the purchase of a house. This is quite common when making a purchase offer for an REO or a HUD home.

BECTIC FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED. We can provide this service for you. We can offer you a Bank Statement or Investment Account Statement accompanied by a letter that states that the funds shown on the Statement are available for you to close on the purchase. We will also be happy to verbally verify with the seller that these funds are available for you.

We do not recommend that you use this service unless you already have an offer accepted and the requirement of producing a bank statement is all that is keeping your offer from being accepted. Plus, you should either have a C Buyer lined up or feel strongly that you can find a C Buyer and earn a profit from this transaction.

Please note that using this service does not obligate you to ultimately use us to fund this transaction when it comes time to close. By the same token, we are not obligated to provide you funding. If you are looking for any kind of loan, both personal loan, business loan, project financing etc please contact BECTIC FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED.

At BECTIC FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED We are Bank Instruments Providers and monetizers. We arrange and issued bank instruments from any of the worlds biggest banks in France, Germany, London, Paris, New York, Spain, Italy, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore or USA. We can also monetize any bank instrument such as bg or sblc. The bg/sblc monetization arrangement issues Non Recourse funds to the customer shortly after the bg/sblc is delivered to the monetizer.

Bank Instrument Monetization LTV.

CT Trade Finance

Our BG/SBLC monetization rate is 80% LTV which is the best rate in the industry, and above all, all our sblc are issued by top AAA rated banks such as HSBC Hong Kong, Barclays Bank London, Citi Bank New York, Credit Suisse etc. As the leading bank instrument provider and monetizer, we offer a simple BG SBLC issuance and Monetization settlement method using the bank Swift Network System..We use the SWIFT Network to have the BG/SBLC delivered Bank to Bank using SWIFT MT799 followed by SWIFT MT760.

These bank instruments are cash backed and can be used for Discounting, Monetization and Private Placement Programs (PPP). They also can be used as collateral against a loan or credit line to secure Funding for Projects.

Bank Instrument Description:

  1. Bank Instrument Type: Cash Backed Bank Guarantee {BG}
  2. Face Value: USD/EUR 1Million (Minimum) to USD/EUR 50 Billion (Maximum)
  3. Issuing Bank: Barclays Bank London, HSBC Hong Kong, Citibank New York, Deutsch Bank Germany or any prime bank.
  4. Age: One Year and One Day (with rolls and extensions where applicable)
  5. Leasing Price: 4% of Face Value plus 2% brokers commission (Applicable only if there are brokers in the transaction)
  6. Delivery: SWIFT MT-760
  7. Payment: MT103 Swift Wire Transfer
  8. Hard Copy: Bank Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

Why Choose Us?

A) Fast Turnaround
B) Best Top Rated Banks
C) Competitive Low rates
D) No prepayment penalty
E) 2 Days for Commitment
F) Extremely Satisfied Clients
H) 20 Years of Experience & Trust
I) No Personal Collateral Required
J) Solutions for every customer & every industry.
K) Loan amounts from $1 million to no maximum.
M) We have solutions for every customer in every industry.
N) Fast Approvals & Fast Funding- Closing in as little as 5 days

BROKERS WANTED: We welcome brokers who are direct to the client. New brokers are welcomed and are rewarded with 2% commission on every deal they bring to us, but you must be direct to the client and not in broker chains. We do not get involved with daisy chain of brokers, neither do we tolerate scammers, jokers and time wasters.

We would welcome the chance to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. If you are interested to work with us kindly contact us immediately.

#bankinstrumentproviders, #StandbyLetterofCreditprovider, #sblcproviders, #leasebgsblc, #leasesblc, #leasebankinstruments, #businessloans, #businessloanlender, #smeloans, #nonrecourseloans #becticfinancecompanylimited,  Bank Instruments Providers, Bank Guarantee (BG) Providers, Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Provider’s, Bank Instrument (BG/SBLC) Monetizers.



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